To celebrate Oscar-winning director Ang Lee (李安) being named the winner for theater/film of the 2024 Praemium Imperiale, a global arts prize awarded annually by the Japan Art Association, we thought we'd reprise our Ang Lee bio episode from Formosa …
What does AI have to do with footbinding in Taiwan? Well, it's a 13-min mini episode, so you're just gonna have to listen and find out. Check the show notes for more info.
說到臺灣的「國球」,雖然也有人自嘲是「贏球」,但大部分的人應該都會說是棒球。臺灣的棒球從日治時期開始發展至今,已是相對成熟的運動,從少棒開始為臺灣培養了許許多多的運動人才,也有選手去到國外發光發熱。然而臺灣棒球雖然有輝煌的一面,卻也有黑暗的一刻。這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊棒球在臺灣的故事。
Did you know that when the United Nations voted to admit “Red China” in 1971, then-California Governor Ronald Reagan called up President Richard Nixon and suggested that the United States quit the UN and become an “observer” in protest? To …
臺灣是個與全球接軌的島嶼,從過去到現在,都有許多「外國人」來到這個地方。有些人就只是短暫的過客,但也有許多人就此留在臺灣生活,融入臺灣的社會。然而這些甚至可能比你我都還臺灣的「外國人」,又真的成為「臺灣人」了嗎?就讓 Formosa Files 中文版的兩位主持人來與大家聊聊。
This forgotten father of Taiwan democracy sacrificed his comfortable life (he came from a rich family and had a PhD from the US in Chemical Engineering) to fight for Taiwanese independence in the post-WW2 decades. In 1956 he was elected …
臺灣的珍珠奶茶國際知名,但臺灣的手搖飲文化其實起源意外的早。自日治時期、美援時期為臺灣引入調酒用的雪克杯之後,泡沫紅茶店開始興起,逐漸發展成專門外帶的茶飲店,如今臺灣的手搖茶飲店家數甚至比便利商店還多。臺灣的手搖飲文化以及茶飲文化,又有些什麼故事在裡面呢?就讓 Formosa Files 中文版的兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊。
Lonely Planet travel guidebooks provided some of best info on a new destination in the pre-internet era, and the late Robert Storey (1954-2017) wrote quite a few of them... including the first four editions for Taiwan. Robert Storey’s Lonely Planet …
網路上討論最熱烈的臺灣夜市特色食物,大概莫過於「臭豆腐」。雖然贊否兩論,但外國人來臺灣時,只要問臺灣人「推薦吃什麼」,大概都會被推薦去夜市吃臭豆腐。這集Formosa Files 的中文版 podcast,就由兩位主持人來聊聊臭豆腐、夜市與一些特色食物。
Lai Dongjin 賴東進 was born into a “beggar family.” His dad is blind, his mom has a mental illness. He has 11 siblings! Many born into such a disadvantaged position would throw up their hands, blame fate, and quit the …
臺灣雖然只是個小島,但是機車密度卻是世界第一,幾乎到了平均每個成年人都擁有一部機車的程度。對很多人來說,機車也似乎就像是從青少年「登大人」的象徵,有了第一部機車,就像是可以開始脫離家裡的掌控一樣。這個與臺灣人有許多因緣的交通工具,究竟有些什麼歷史故事呢?這集的 Formosa Files 中文版 podcast 中,就讓兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊。
Did you know that all the water buffalo in Taiwan are the descendants of a group of these bovines from Indonesia (formerly the Dutch East Indies)? These poor water buffalo were put on a sailing ship by the Dutch in …
提到臺灣的野生動物園,大家都會想到六福村。一部分聽眾朋友可能還會有記憶,以前甚至可以直接開車入園,直接在車上看動物。雖然六福村在1990年代起就逐漸不再允許開車入園,但2024年又重新少量開放,蔚為一波話題。這集的 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast,就讓兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊印象中的六福村與其它臺灣的動物園。
The incredible story of Amis Taiwanese Olympic decathlete Maysang Kalimud, better known as CK Yang (楊傳廣), was one of the first stories featured in the first season of Formosa Files (December 2021). At that time, John and Eryk bemoaned how …
John chats with veteran Hong Kong-based journalist and author of The Island (2024) Mark O'Neill, who tells us what Taiwan was like in the early 1980s, when he first came to study Chinese. Despite a mysterious knife attack and various …
臺灣的便利商店密度,幾乎已經可說是舖天蓋地的程度。在城市中,幾乎每兩三個路口就有一間;城市以外的區域,便利商店也是上山下海無所不在。臺灣人個人乃至於整個社區的生活習慣,都因為便利商店而發生了翻天覆地的變化。至於便利商店在臺灣,又有些什麼有趣的故事呢?就讓Formosa Files中文版的兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊。
The person who did most of the work creating the company people around the world almost immediately associate with Taiwan has no ancestors from this island, was not born here, didn't go to school here, and only came here for …
臺灣的機車密度世界第一,若再加上其它大小車輛,大概也是世界數一數二的程度。而在臺灣,各種車輛都免不了要掛車牌,也讓車牌成為臺灣的日常街景。然而臺灣的車牌實際上經歷多次改版,街上也時常可以看到懸掛舊式車牌的車輛。而從開放車牌自選號甚至競標以來,也讓車牌有些不一樣的意義與「價值」。究竟這個最日常的風景,會有些什麼樣的故事?在這集裡,就讓Formosa Files中文版的兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊臺灣車牌的一些小故事。
Did you know we once went to the Olympics under the name “Formosa”? At the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, Taiwan will once again compete under the ridiculous name of “Chinese Taipei.” It’s a silly name that makes little …
Japanese princes, Taiwanese activists, a Korean martyr, American generals and presidents, Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo. It’s an action-packed episode with an amazing cast of characters. These little-known Taiwan-related assassination attempts and plots will surprise you. And, we …
細心一點的聽眾朋友可能會在日常當中發現,「4」這個數字在生活中很容易被「消失」,尤其在樓層數和車牌號碼裡,很多時候都看不見「4」;但在國外,不見的卻常常是「13」這個數字。除此之外,在我們的生活裡還有許多數字,當然就又有許許多多的疑問。例如說,大家有沒有想過,為什麼臺灣電話的區碼是從臺北的「02」開始,沒有「01」?在這集裡,就讓Formosa Files中文版的兩位主持人來跟大家簡單聊聊一些數字的小故事。
In this short segment, John and Eryk first make the stunning observation that summer in subtropical Taiwan is hot. They then reflect on the "Pacific Story," an NBC radio docu-drama from 1944, an episode that was a hit with listeners. …