FAKE HISTORY (2023, by Paul Timings) is a generative audiovisual installation comprising the first iteration of three separate installations, all of which explore the network of machinery that moderates our experience of the world. The work is informed by narratives surrounding the history of Taiwan that have historically overlapped, competed, or even arisen from imagination.
FAKE HISTORY (2023, 由Paul Timings 創作)是一個生成式的視聽裝置,包括三個獨立裝置的第一次迭代,所有這些都探索了中介我們體驗世界的機器網絡。本作品受到與台灣歷史相關的敘事所啟發,這些敘事在歷史上經常重疊、競爭,甚至源於想像。
#taiwan #PaulTiming #FormosaFiles #臺灣 #FakeHistory