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July 11, 2024

S4 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Summer 2024 Musings and Announcements

S4 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Summer 2024 Musings and Announcements

In this short segment, John and Eryk first make the stunning observation that summer in subtropical Taiwan is hot. They then reflect on the "Pacific Story," an NBC radio docu-drama from 1944, an episode that was a hit with listeners. Moving along, they talk about a new podcast for book lovers: Bookish Asia with Plum Rain Press, and give more details on Plum Rain Press, a name to remember as it may soon become a big part of many readers’ lives. Enjoy the summer and catch you next Thursday!

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The History of Taiwan - Formosa Files


Top left - logo for new all-about-books-podcast "Bookish Asia."

Center - logo for new publishing company "Plum Rain Press."

Right: The final work of Bradley Winterton, available as a free e-book download HERE.


We've got new stuff coming soon!

Enjoy the (rather hot) summer!

Thanks for listening, 

John and Eryk 

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AND THE BIGGEST REQUEST: tell others about this free, not-for-profit resource about Taiwan.