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Dec. 14, 2023

S3-E37 - Wu Li-pei (吳澧培): A Taiwanese-American Immigrant Story, Part Two

S3-E37 - Wu Li-pei (吳澧培): A Taiwanese-American Immigrant Story, Part Two

In the 1960s and 1970s, many tens of thousands of Taiwanese went into self-exile; most of them headed to the United States. The people who became Taiwanese-Americans did so for a variety of reasons, but it's probably fair to say most were seeking opportunities more readily available in a democratic, free society. Taiwan in the 1960s and '70s was a place where freedom of expression -- be it in art or politics -- was severely limited. One of these exiles was Wu Li-pei (吳澧培), a Taiwan independence campaigner. Here's part two of his story.

And make sure to read Wu's memoir if you're interested in Taiwan politics. The book contains plenty of "sensitive" details and other behind-the-scenes insights.

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The History of Taiwan - Formosa Files

Cover shows Wu Li-pei in his younger years, via

From the same site


Two Countries My Taiwanese American Immigrant Story

Born under the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, coming of age under the Kuomintang (KMT) suppression, Li-pei Wu fled the KMT’s atrocities against the Taiwanese and his fellow democracy believers and found a new life in America. But his dream of an independent Taiwan never waned. This is the incredible life story of a skinny boy from Taiwan’s countryside who became an American business leader and democracy advocate for Taiwan.

Click HERE for Wu Li-pei's thoughts on Taiwan independence.

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New to The History of Taiwan - Formosa Files?

Check our very first episode, the story of a very white man who showed up in London in 1703... and claimed to be from Formosa. Or try a foodie episode from Season 3. Or, for those who want some harder-core history, hear the tale of the Lockheed U-2 pilot Wang Hsi-chueh 王錫爵, who became famous for defecting to the PRC by hijacking China Airlines Flight 334 on May 3, 1986.