NOW ON SALE at Plum Rain - The English Translation of: A Tale of Three Tribes in Dutch Formosa by Dr. Chen Yao-chang 陳耀昌 !!
Jan. 9, 2022

S1-E23 - Walls of Death

S1-E23 - Walls of Death

In the 1980s, Japan's, South Korea's, and Taiwan’s massive fishing fleets gained notoriety for their destructive driftnet fishing. The use of giant driftnets, sometimes tens of kilometers long, threatened to turn the oceans into deserts. In 1989 the United States launched a high-seas sting operation, which culminated in a US coastguard cutter chasing a Taiwanese fishing boat carrying illegally-caught salmon for 2,700 miles across the Pacific. This operation would help bring an end to these “walls of death.”

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The History of Taiwan - Formosa Files

Cover image: A sea turtle is snared in a fishing net (via Wikimedia Commons) 

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