Sept. 11, 2021

S1-E2 - Koxinga VS. The Dutch - Round One

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S1-E2 - Koxinga VS. The Dutch - Round One

Pirate Warlord Koxinga's successful invasion of Taiwan changed everything. Here's part one of the tale of an epic, nine-month struggle with the Dutch in Anping, modern-day Tainan.

Cover via Epic World History Blog.

Below: Zheng Chenggong statue in Xiamen, Fujian, China. The granite statue is 15.7 m tall and weighs 1617 tons. Via Wikimedia Commons, which has this to say about the famous warlord: 

Zheng Chenggong, Prince of Yanping 鄭成功 (27 August 1624 – 23 June 1662), better known internationally as Koxinga 國姓爺; pinyin: Guóxìngyé, was a Southern Ming general who resisted the Qing conquest of China in the 17th century, fighting them on China's southeastern coast.

In 1661, Koxinga defeathed the Dutch outposts on Taiwan and established a dynasty, the House of Koxinga, which ruled part of the island as the Kingdom of Tungning from 1661 to 1683.

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