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TAIWAN HISTORY - Formosa Files Episodes

The 1990s were a particularly interesting time in Taiwan's history as they featured a major change: the official switch to multi-party democracy and direct elections for the president and lawmakers. While changes to Taiwan had first come after martial law was lifted in the late 1980s -- including the establishment of the first serious opposition political party: the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) – the 1990s was the decade in which democracy began to bloom. It was a wild, sometimes violent time, epitomized by the 1997 kidnapping and murder of the daughter of Bai Hsiao-yen. In 1996, the first direct presidential election was held, with Lee Tung-hui of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang or KMT) winning an unsurprising victory over formerly in-exile Taiwan independence supporter Dr. Peng Min-ming, representing the DPP. Just before the election, Taiwan faced the Third Taiwan-Strait Crisis, as the People's Republic of China (PRC) conducted “missile tests” in the waters near Taiwan in an apparent attempt to influence the election or discourage democracy. The United States under then-president Bill Clinton sent a US fleet into the area, but no military clashes occurred. In 1998-1999, Taiwan prepared for its first genuinely contested presidential election, with the KMT fielding VP Lien Chan, the DPP picking former Taipei mayor Chen Shui-bian, and a breakaway party from the KMT, the People First Party (PFP) selecting former Taiwan governor James Soong as its candidate. On March 18th, 2000, Taiwan witnessed its first peaceful change of power, after the DPP’s Chen Shui-bian won the election with 39.30% of the vote (James Soong came in 2nd with 36.84%, while Lien Chan took 23.10% of the vote). This election capped a decade of incredible transition for Taiwan’s history, with a change from a one-party, authoritarian state to a multiparty democracy being achieved without any significant violence.
April 3, 2024

S4 - Special Episode - Remembering 921 in the Wake of 403

Taiwan is in mourning for those lost or injured by the huge earthquake that happened on the morning of April 3rd, 2024. In this short special episode, we hear John Ross' feelings about the earthquake which this latest one is being compared to: 921, or, the quake of September 21st, 1999, which claim…

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Jan. 18, 2024

BONUS Episode: Linda Gail Arrigo's Verdict on Shih Ming-teh 施明德

Linda Arrigo has been in Taiwan for many years, working as a human rights activist, as an important member of the early team of fighters who risked life and limb for a democratic Taiwan, and more recently, worked with the Taiwan Green Party on environmental issues such as stopping NPP4. She's also …

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Sept. 28, 2023

S3-E29 - Taiwan's Great Pork Apocalypse (1997)

Not gonna lie folks: this episode gets dark; the story of a super swine slaughter. But, there's also some tasty morsels of info on Taiwan's favorite meat, and the pig’s place in the island’s history and culture. Plus, a final happy ending involving little cute piggies.

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July 6, 2023

S3-E17 – The Wrongful Execution of Chiang Kuo-ching (江國慶) and …

Among the too many killings committed in the lawless year of 1997 was the execution of 21-year-old Chiang Kuo-ching (江國慶), a soldier convicted of a horrific crime after a forced confession. Chiang went to his death maintaining his innocence, and 14 years later in 2011, he was posthumously cleared o…

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Feb. 16, 2023

S3-E1 - Storm Stories: Tales of Typhoons in Taiwan

With their fearsome winds and dramatic downpours, typhoons have long been a part of Taiwan's history. Join Formosa Files for a look at a few notable typhoons that have hit Taiwan in more recent times, as well as some interesting asides, such as: When did typhoons get names? Why did they once only u…

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Nov. 10, 2022

S2-E33 - Taiwan's Musical Garbage Trucks - And the Sounds of the 1990…

Many new arrivals to Taiwan are perplexed to hear music from an "ice cream" truck playing almost every day, until they discover that those tunes mean it's time to take out your trash. Today, we've got the history of musical garbage trucks... and lots of reminiscing about the sounds of Taiwan in the…

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Sept. 15, 2022

S2-E26 - Taiwan's First Civilian Martyr: Teacher Lin Ching-chuan (林靖娟)

Preschool teacher Lin ran back into a burning bus six times, saving as many kids as she could, before succumbing to the flames on her seventh rescue attempt. Lin's body was found with her arms around four children...four of 20 preschoolers who sadly died that day in 1992 -- along with Teacher Lin a…

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April 28, 2022

S2-E9 - The Murder of Pai Hsiao-yen 白曉燕 and the Alexander Family Host…

April 1997. Taiwan’s crime story of the century starts with the kidnapping and murder of a celebrity’s 12-year-old daughter by a trio of hardened criminals. In the seven-month crime spree that follows, there are more kidnappings, killings, rapes, police manhunts and shoot-outs. The climax comes in …

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