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TAIWAN HISTORY - Formosa Files Episodes

May 30, 2024

[ENCORE] S4 - The Inn of the EIGHT Happinesses 八福客栈 vs. The Inn of th…

Gladys Aylward and Ingrid Bergman: The former, a British-born Christian missionary to China and Taiwan, the latter a three-time Academy Award winner. However despite very different lives, the two will forever be connected after a book about Aylward was turned into a Hollywood movie starring Bergman…

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March 28, 2024

S4-E6 – Taipei’s Architectural Trilogy Part Two: Witnessing History a…

In the previous episode, we told you how these three rather stunning neo-classical Chinese buildings came to exist. This week, we’re looking at them through a “culture and society” lens. The massive statue of Chiang Kai-shek remains on its pedestal at the CKS Memorial Hall. A place built to venerat…

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Nov. 24, 2023

S3-E35 - Bits and Pieces (of Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐) and a Pre-Announcement …

Although Eryk is as sick as a dog, both he and John are in very high spirits, and not just because, once again, they get to chat about stinky tofu. In this "bits and pieces" episode there's some jumping around, a look back and a look ahead. But most importantly, we tease an exciting new development…

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Nov. 2, 2023

S3-E32 - Hakka Author Wu Zhuoliu (吳濁流), Part 2 - Japan’s Surrender an…

Writer Wu Zhuoliu 吳濁流 (1900-1976), sadly, never saw Taiwan blossom into a democracy. But he left us with some of the most important works ever written about 20th-century Taiwan. Among these is the autobiography “The Fig Tree”, whose early chapters mirror the events in his acclaimed novel “Orphan of…

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Oct. 26, 2023

A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: Manga Artist Mark Crilley Talks About His …

Mark Crilley is one of the top 10 American manga artists, and he has a new graphic novel out called LOST IN TAIWAN (2023). Formosa Files caught up with Mark, who spilled the beans on why he was here in the late 1980s and early 1990s, what he loved (and what he loved a bit less) about Taiwan. After …

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Oct. 12, 2023

[Bonus] Photographing Taiwan – Interview with Chris Stowers

John chats with photographer Chris Stowers. In 1988, Chris sailed a traditional Indonesian boat on an epic sea voyage (a trip described alongside the three-part series on the Free China junk, S3-Ep23-25). This led to his first story and photos being published, and the beginning of his career in pho…

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June 30, 2023

S3-E16 – Kaohsiung and Taiwan Celebrate Five Years of Weiwuying 衛武營國家…

John and Eryk have been commissioned to tell the tale of Weiwuying as this new Kaohsiung landmark turns five: in part two, we've got challenges galore to overcome, disputes to settle, and finally, a glorious ending as, more than arguably, one of the world's finest performing arts venues opens in 20…

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June 29, 2023

S3-E15 – Kaohsiung and Taiwan Celebrate Five Years of Weiwuying 衛武營國家…

As this already-iconic structure and performance center turns five, John and Eryk have been commissioned to tell its tale: it's a 40-year saga of a century-old military base becoming a park and home to, more than arguably, one of the world's finest performing arts venues. Happy 5th birthday, Weiwuy…

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June 22, 2023

Bonus Episode: Eryk Calls John for a Meanderingly Interesting Chat

Now that we're well into Formosa Files season three, your co-hosts add some background to stories we've told, try to clear up misconceptions about the ROC’s exit from the United Nations, make some “controversial” comments on Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and finally, we agree that Mongolia is an independent cou…

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June 8, 2023

A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: The Team that Gave Kaohsiung the Magnifice…

Have you been to the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, 衛武營國家藝術文化中心, more commonly called Weiwuying? If not, you really should as it totally lives up to the hype, and is now the best such venue in Taiwan. You may have heard stories or seen TV programs about how hard it was to build "the larges…

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June 1, 2023

S3-E13 - The Flag of Taiwan (?)

You'll see the "Blue Sky, White Sun, and Red Earth" flag everywhere across Taiwan, and each year, streets are lined with this banner to celebrate Double Ten Day on October 10th. But is it really the flag of Taiwan? Who designed it? Today's episode is all about the ROC flag: an engrossing tale invol…

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May 4, 2023

S3-E11 - Steve McQueen and "The Sand Pebbles" (1966)

"The Sand Pebbles," which tells the story of the USS San Pablo, a US Navy gunboat operating in China in the 1920s, was shot in northern Taiwan over the winter of '65-'66. The movie was directed by Robert Wise, of "The Sound of Music fame, and starred "the King of Cool" Steve McQueen. The film was t…

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Feb. 23, 2023

S3-E2 - Mel Gibson Makes a Movie in Taiwan (1979)

Ever heard of the film "Attack Force Z"? No? Don't worry... almost no one has. Filmed in Taiwan, this WWII story featured both Mel Gibson and Sam Neill, long before they became major Hollywood stars. Gibson later called the film “pretty woeful... it's so bad, it's funny.” That's an unfairly harsh a…

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Feb. 9, 2023

Rage Against the Machine – Formosa Files VS. ChatGPT

In this fun Season Two finale, John Ross and Eryk Michael Smith battle with the AI phenomenon ChatGPT. Who knows more about Taiwanese history, John or the scarily omnipotent AI chatbot which may soon render humans obsolete? Does Eryk know more about Kaohsiung’s Nanzih District than the smartest mac…

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Nov. 17, 2022

A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: Tobie Openshaw on the Saisiyat Story of Ta…

The Saisiyat Indigenous people in Hsinchu and Miaoli counties have a famous story about magical “little people” or “dwarfs” called the Koko’ ta’ay. The legend goes that tensions between the tribe and the “dwarfs” led to an incident that killed off the little people, and which called down a curse on…

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