NOW ON SALE at Plum Rain - The English Translation of: A Tale of Three Tribes in Dutch Formosa by Dr. Chen Yao-chang 陳耀昌 !!

TAIWAN HISTORY - Formosa Files Episodes

Aug. 16, 2024

S4-E19 - Taiwan's Olympic GOAT? Mike Chinoy's New Documentary "Decath…

The incredible story of Amis Taiwanese Olympic decathlete Maysang Kalimud, better known as CK Yang (楊傳廣), was one of the first stories featured in the first season of Formosa Files (December 2021). At that time, John and Eryk bemoaned how little-known this amazing Indigenous Taiwanese athlete is…

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Aug. 8, 2024

S4 – INTERVIEW: The Island: a personal account of Taiwan’s extraordin…

John chats with veteran Hong Kong-based journalist and author of The Island (2024) Mark O'Neill, who tells us what Taiwan was like in the early 1980s, when he first came to study Chinese. Despite a mysterious knife attack and various authoritarian elements (such as “mail boxes” for reporting spies …

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March 7, 2024

S4 - A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: CNN China Legend Mike Chinoy

In the summer of 1973, a young Mike Chinoy finagled his way onto one of the earliest trips of civilian Americans to “Red China.” He would later become CNN’s China correspondent – moving to the PRC in 1987 – and became famous as he reported live on the infamous events that transpired in and around T…

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Dec. 28, 2023

A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: Making History in Space, Taiwan Uni Team P…

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) PhD candidate Angel B. Menéndez came to Taiwan from his native Guatemala on a full scholarship provided by the Taiwan government. For Taiwan, this was a wise financial choice as Menéndez first studied mechanical engineering, then Mandarin, and then became invol…

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Dec. 11, 2023

Bonus Episode: SAVE THE BIRDS! ~ The origin story of the Kaohsiung Wi…

Frank C. Chen was the mayor of Kaohsiung from 1960 to 1968. The foundation that bears his name is the reason we have Formosa Files. Paul Chen is one of Frank Chen's sons (b. 1944), and in 1979, he established the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society. Why? Well, he and his dad were once avid hunters, and Pau…

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