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May 15, 2022

A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: ICRT General Manager Tim Berge

A Formosa Files INTERVIEW: ICRT General Manager Tim Berge

Taiwan's only English radio station, International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) has been a part of millions of Taiwanese -- and many an expat in Taiwan's -- lives since it took over from the US military in 1979. Tim Berge, a 30+ year Taiwan resident, has spent most of his years here working for ICRT, and is today the station's GM. In this new Formosa Files interview feature, Tim Berge talks to Eryk about where ICRT came from, waxes nostalgic over the 'golden era' of the 1980s-90s, gives info on how ICRT is funded, tells a few lesser-known stories and answers questions about common misconceptions.

(Full disclosure: Eryk Michael Smith has, since 2007, worked for or with ICRT as a writer, news broadcaster, and 'stringer' reporter from south Taiwan)

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The History of Taiwan - Formosa Files

Cover image - ICRT GM Tim Berge (Via MOFA/Jimmy Lin

LINK to: RADIOACTIVE TAIWAN (a podcast series about ICRT)

TAIWAN NEWS report on Radioactive Taiwan 



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