Taiwan's Top-Rated History Podcast
Stories from the History of Formosa (Taiwan)
The Formosa Files Taiwan History Podcast is sponsored by
John Ross (author, co-founder of publisher Camphor Press)
Eryk Michael Smith (writer, broadcaster, journalist)
Both Ross and Smith have lived in Taiwan for well over 20 years and call the island home.
Check our very first episode, the story of a very white man who showed up in London in 1703... and claimed to be from Formosa. Or try a foodie episode from Season 3. Or, for those who want some harder-core history, hear the tale of the Lockheed U-2 pilot Wang Hsi-chueh 王錫爵, who became famous for defecting to the PRC by hijacking China Airlines Flight 334 on May 3, 1986.
Pavel Ivanovich Ibis, or Paul Ibis, a 22-year-old Russian naval officer (he was born in today’s Estonia) embarked alone on a dangerous and adventurous journey – on foot – through Taiwan in the winter of 1875. At the time, much of the island was under Qing rule; a prefecture of Fujian Province. So, …
如果要說到臺灣人過去最熟悉的牙膏品牌,「黑人牙膏」絕對是名列前茅。即使後來因為可能有種族歧視的意味而全面改名為「好來牙膏」,商標的顏色也幾度調整,但依然還是臺灣各大賣場架上最常見的牙膏品牌。這集的 Formosa Files 中文版,就讓兩位主持人來一起聊聊這個歷史意外悠久的牙膏品牌,以及它背後的一些歷史爭議故事。
November 28, 1987: South African Airways Flight 295 departs from Taipei bound for Johannesburg. Somewhere near Mauritius, a mysterious fire breaks out. The crew fights hard to extinguish it, but sadly, the plane and all 159 people on board are doomed to a watery grave in the Indian Ocean. The cras…
臺灣在追尋民主自由獨立的道路上,彭明敏教授是無法忽略的一位重量級人物。在日本留學時經歷了戰爭、原子彈,回到臺灣後又遇上二二八事件。而1964年的《台灣自救運動宣言》,讓他不得不在傳教士友人的協助下逃離臺灣,顛沛流離三十年,最終由於與李登輝的因緣而回到臺灣。這集的 Formosa Files 中文版,就讓兩位主持人來一起聊聊這位經歷離奇波折的臺灣民主前輩。
Two common brands of toothpaste sold in Taiwan: one of them is strangely/poorly named, but the other has a very long history of flirting with racism. In this less-somber episode, you’ll learn the backstories of both “Whitemen Toothpaste” 白人牙膏, and Hei Ren “Darkie/Darlie Toothpaste” 黑人/好來牙膏, and als…
臺灣在追尋民主自由獨立的道路上,彭明敏教授是無法忽略的一位重量級人物。戰爭在他的身上刻下傷痕,又讓他在長崎見證原子彈;而在臺灣,二二八事件也讓他的家人飽受威脅;隨之而來的白色恐怖,更讓他不得不逃離臺灣。這集的 Formosa Files 中文版,就讓兩位主持人來一起聊聊這位經歷離奇波折的臺灣民主前輩。